Jamie Dimon Motivational Quotes

17 of Jamie Dimon's Most Brilliant Quotes


Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, is one of the most respected and successful leaders in the financial industry. He is known for his sharp mind, his outspokenness, and his commitment to ethical banking. Over the years, Dimon has shared many insights about business, leadership, and life. His quotes are often witty, wise, and thought-provoking.

Dimon's Quotes on Business

"You don't have to be the smartest person in the room, but you do have to be the hardest." "The best way to look at any business is from the standpoint of the clients. People and companies make decisions based on their own self-interest." "The financial crisis was caused by greed and recklessness. We need to put in place regulations that will prevent this from happening again."

Dimon's Quotes on Leadership

"A good leader is someone who can inspire others to believe in a common goal." "Leaders need to be able to make tough decisions, even when they are unpopular." "The best leaders are those who are willing to listen to others and learn from their mistakes."

Dimon's Quotes on Life

"Life is too short to waste it on things that don't matter." "The most important thing in life is to surround yourself with good people." "Never give up on your dreams. If you work hard and never give up, you can achieve anything you set your mind to."


Jamie Dimon is a visionary leader who has made a significant impact on the financial industry. His quotes are a valuable source of wisdom and inspiration for anyone who is interested in business, leadership, or life.

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